Urgent weight loss

You live with extra pounds and don't worry too much about it, you can't stand dieting, you get tired of sports quickly. And suddenly, one day something happens - you fall in love, or you clearly understand that being overweight does not make you beautiful, or the doctor recommends losing weight for your health, or whatever else. "Lose weight urgently!" - such an idea comes to mind and brings either complete confusion to life, or, indeed, useful and significant changes. We recommend reading this article before going on a strict diet.Urgent weight loss - The plus side of urgent weight loss is only one thing - the decision itself. If the reason really deserves your subsequent efforts, then this decision is worthy of respect. Just let's figure out what the right motivation for weight loss should be. To return or fall in love with a person, get into an old dress, prove to someone that you can lose weight, etc. - all this is not the best start for decisive action. Drastic and rapid weight loss has never proved anything to anyone. You can lose weight urgently only for yourself - for personal health, self-esteem, self-confidence and the pleasure of contemplating your own reflection in the mirror. Armed with a reliable goal, you will no longer want to turn off the planned path - the end result will be too desirable.Urgent weight loss - The minuses of urgent weight loss relate to the first word in this phrase. Unfortunately, most of us prefer to lose weight urgently - in 2-3 days, at most - in 1-2 weeks. But it is precisely this urgent weight loss that is the most unreliable, because a sharp weight loss is perceived by the body as a threat from the outside, and, consequently, self-defense mechanisms are activated - the lost weight returns instantly and often brings with it a few extra kilograms. If there are already some problems in the body, for example, metabolic disorders, digestion, chronic diseases, then such urgent weight loss can also bring harm in the form of exacerbations of diseases, poor health, even greater disruption of metabolic and digestive processes. Urgent does not mean good here, and this primarily concerns our health.Urgent weight loss - Plan Having decided to lose weight urgently, you need to first develop a plan. Take a reasonable approach and think through everything to the smallest detail. First, determine how many kilograms you need to lose weight. You can use the body mass index and calculate it using the formula BMI = weight (kg) : {height (m)}2. You need to lose weight if the resulting figure exceeds 26, if not, just take care of your figure - maybe you need to strengthen your muscles or declare war on cellulite.Having determined the number of extra pounds, calculate the time you will need to get rid of them. The most correct thing from the point of view of medicine is to lose weight by 1-1.5 kilograms per week, so if you want to lose, say, five kilograms, count on a month - then your efforts will not disappear in a couple of days. For comfortable weight loss, you will not need strict diets or grueling exercises: it is enough to give up harmful foods, as well as increase physical activity. It is also better to schedule your new menu and sports hours (running, swimming, dancing, walking, etc.) in the plan. When the plan is ready, you can take action.Urgent weight loss is an action. Therefore, the first correct action to start urgent weight loss is to follow a drawn-up plan. You do not rush to extremes and confidently go to your goal. Your diet consists of breakfast, lunch, light dinner and healthy snacks if desired, and the basis of the diet consists of cereals, vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread, dairy products, lean meat and fish. You replace frying and baking in fatty sauces with steaming, stewing and stewing. You give up harmful smoked meats and pickles, fast food, sweets and confectionery. You move a lot and drink enough clean drinking water. You replace late dinners with kefir and an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. You get enough sleep and take care of your skin and figure with love. Your body will begin to transform before your eyes!Take your decision seriously. Let it not be short-lived: sometimes vital decisions are urgently made, and the desire to lose weight should not be perceived as something fleeting and insignificant. Losing weight can be a very important stage in your life, which will change some things for the better, and will give you health and beauty. Let urgent weight loss be a competent and balanced decision for you! We wish you good luck! Brulafine avis pharamond

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