The world screening of films about Lenin

Screening of Soviet films dedicated to the 110th anniversary of his birth

V. I. Lenin, was successfully held in many countries of the world.

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Addis Ababa. The film "Fidelity to the Mother" opened the film festival of Soviet art and documentary films by V. I. Lenin in the capital of Ethiopia. Among them is "October". "Stories about Lenin" and others.

"The teachings of the leader of the world proletariat," Tesfaye Chevaye, Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, who spoke at the opening of the festival, said, "are imbued with the spirit of internationalism and have broad international significance. On the way. inscribed by the great Lenin, millions of people on all continents are now following. That is why all peace-loving and progressive forces on earth celebrate the 110th anniversary of Lenin's birth as their holiday."

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Havana. "Lenin in Soviet Cinema" is the name of a series of sixteen feature films, the demonstration of which took place in the Cuban capital. Among them are "Lenin in October", "Lenin in 1918", "Lenin in Poland", "Kremlin Chimes".

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Luanda. In the People's Republic of Angola, the demonstration of the film "Trust" at the Estudio cinema in the capital began the Week of Soviet Cinema. It was opened by the director of the Angolan Film Institute, L. Vieira.

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Nicosia. A meeting of Cypriot graduates of Soviet universities was held at the Soviet cultural center, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the leader of October. The audience watched the film "Lenin: pages of biography" with great interest.

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Rabat. The film week on the theme "The image of V. I. Lenin in Soviet cinema", organized by the association "Moroccan Youth for Progress and Peace", was held in Rabat and the largest industrial center of Morocco — Casablanca.

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Ulaanbaatar. The full-length documentary "Lenin and Time" opened at the cinema "Ard" The Week of Soviet Cinema in the MPR.

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Hanoi. During the Week of Soviet Films in socialist Vietnam, such famous works as "The Man with the Gun", "Lenin in October", "Trust", "Soldiers of Freedom" were shown, The Film Week, the newspaper "Nyan Zan", served to promote the immortal ideas of the leader of the world proletariat.

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Helsinki. A film week dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Lenin's birth began with a demonstration of the film "Lenin in 1918" at the Capitol cinema in the capital. Finnish viewers also saw the films "October", "Battleship "Potemkin", "Mother", "Earth", "Chapaev".

Zurich. Here, in the premises of the People's House, where V. I. Lenin repeatedly spoke during the years of emigration, a solemn meeting of the Swiss public dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the leader of the revolution took place. The meeting was attended by members of the Politburo of the Swiss Party of Labor, the leadership of the Association for the Development of cultural relations between Switzerland and the Soviet Union, representatives of trade unions, youth and other public organizations. The participants of the meeting were shown the film "Lenin. The years of a great life." Azərbaycanda top 10 onlayn kazino saytları

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